Ehlers Danlos is a connective tissue disorder that Son2 has. He regularly has dizzy spells, joint pains and extreme fatigue.
This blog is for the slightly random stuff about life that doesn't fit on my fairly awesome, award-winning site, Special Needs Jungle
17 Mar 2013
Raising awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome - an under diagnosed rare condition
Lara Bloom, who runs the Ehlers Danlos UK Support charity, is making a documentary about EDS to help raise awareness of what is a rare but also an under-diagnosed condition.
Ehlers Danlos is a connective tissue disorder that Son2 has. He regularly has dizzy spells, joint pains and extreme fatigue.
Ehlers Danlos is a connective tissue disorder that Son2 has. He regularly has dizzy spells, joint pains and extreme fatigue.
ehlers danlos syndrome,
rare disease,