

5 Mar 2011

New Children's Books by Julie Fison

Two new books from my friend Julie Fison - Bat Attack and Tiger Terror
Bat Attack

It’s New Year’s Eve and Jack Wilde and his friends are getting ready for a night of fun at the local disco. But when a mad driver almost runs them over, things start to go very badly wrong. Will New Year’s Eve be the best night of their lives or the very worst? As the clock ticks towards midnight, only time will tell.

 Tiger Terror

Tigers are on the verge of extinction. Everyone knows that. So why does Jack Wilde think he’s seen a tiger paw in a medicine shop in Chinatown? To find out the truth Jack and his friends must become junior spies. But they soon realize that their mission is anything but child’s play.

The books join two earlier Hazard River tales, Snake Surprise and Shark Frenzy. Well done, Julie!