

20 Nov 2010

Great Photographer - Keep him in mind

Got the kids' school photos back the other week. Grim is not the word. One looked like he was about to kill himself, the other was mid-sentence when his photo was taken. So I didn't buy them. But that left me without photos to send to relatives at Christmas. What to do?
I suddenly remembered that the Dad of one of my children's former schoolmates was a photographer, Grant Pritchard, so I got in touch and today he came over and took some shot of the boys and also of me for publicity for my book,This Last Summer.
Even though I've only seen them only on the camera screen, I can already see they're looking good and I can;t wait to get the CD next week. However I wanted to tell you about Grant's website in case anyone needs a good photographer for any reason. Have a look at his work at and give him a call or pass it on to your friends. Will put up my pix when I get them!